I’ve had to put aside my computer for the last month. I took a fall in the garden and have been in the hospital for the last four weeks. Early one beautiful morning in late February, I broke my hip. I’d taken the labradoodle puppy, Marilyn, the one that had been returned for further training, into the garden bed that I’d selected for her to do her “business”. When she’d finished, I turned one way and she turned the other. As I stumbled backward, I stepped into our river rock drainage ditch and just couldn’t stay upright. The tall pine trees and blue sky rose up as I mentally reviewed the list of chores I needed to get done in the following day, week, month etc.. I had plants waiting to go in the ground, was in the middle of pruning the deciduous shrubs and trees, and was preparing for my “youngest offspring’s” garden wedding in late April. On the way down, I knew it would be a bad fall and I was preparing for the worst.
I’ve had my first round of surgery now and am recuperating at a rehab center. I miss my husband, my home, my garden, my dogs, my old hens, crisp winter mornings, green hills, and, of course, people of Cambria. As long as I can keep learning about gardening and sharing it with you, I’ll continue to keep up on my blogs and my garden columns.
We are so sorry to hear of your recent incident. We want to wish you a speedy recovery, before you know it you will be fussing around in your garden with your beautiful dogs and cute hens.
Best Wishes Roseann and Denise
OH NO!!! I’m so sorry but so glad to hear you are on the mend. That is just so very scary. And it’s a terrible time of the year to be cooped up. Everything is just coming into bloom.
Get better soon.
OMGosh, I’m so sorry to hear that Lee. I hope you are feeling better and getting stronger everyday!
Best regards, thoughts and prayers are coming your your way!
I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can dance at the wedding!
I’m so sorry, wishing you a speedy recovery and best wishes!!
Thank you Roseann and Denise. I just got home from the hospital and Rehabilitation Center after a stay of six weeks. Boy, have I missed my “girls”.