We’ve had our six hens since they were three days old. Like our own children, their personalities have pretty much stayed the same since they were born, or rather, hatched. Daisy, the Buff Orpington, remains sweet and tame. She is the first to jump onto our laps when we sit with the hens in the evenings. Sweetpea, a Barred Rock, is the snuggler. Sweetpea is going through her first moult and is a little “touchy”. Her cluck, has become a bit of a whine which I hope is a result of her moulting and only temporary. I’m looking forward to her feathers returning and her snuggly personality revealing itself again.
Daisy and Sweetpea have always been close. They lay together in the sunshine. They dust bathe in the same hole. They are both gentle birds, rarely pecking the other girls and never one another. While Sweetpeas moults, her personality has become somewhat introverted. Daisy is as confused as I am over the recent change in our dear Sweetpea.