The subject of accessorizing a garden can be a touchy issue due to taste differences. While I’m not one to preach that gardens should have a theme and you must be consistent in all areas of your yard, I do believe that gardens can be overpowered with uncoordinated décor that detracts from vegetation. A garden filled with décor can feel cluttered. In nature, there are spaces where the eye can relax, and the mind no longer needs to screen out unwanted stimulation. Ideally, even a small garden will have a path or sitting space that encourages peace.
Because, I confess, I have a somewhat eclectic taste; it has been hard for me to stick to a particular garden theme and to accessorize accordingly. I’ve had to divide my yard into areas where I can have English type plantings and accessories. I have a corner with a pagoda and an Asian theme. The shed and hen house are somewhat traditional (or could be called craftsman in style) and are surrounded by standard California plantings. Our little orchard has two chairs for “sitting under the apple tree” and is otherwise spare. I want to be able to move comfortably about the garden and this requires minimal accessorizing.
In a small garden it is important to be careful in adding ornaments to these tiny spaces. It is too easy to add treasures and gifts to the garden over the years. In small spaces, LESS IS BETTER. It is time to weed out all but the most meaningful! Downsize and minimize furniture and accessories. An oversized birdbath or patio table will only make a small space look smaller.
What I am suggesting is difficult to do. Simplifying is not simple! We’ve been told to free our homes of clutter. A peaceful and nurturing garden must also be made clutter free. You may be surprised at the pleasing results that “weeding out” unnecessary items will provide.
hi there – my goodness we have the same colours for our blogs and we both discuss garden accessories!!!! will keep popping back .