The Cambria Garden Club is a 50 year old organization of plant and garden lovers. These 25 women contribute to the community with beautification projects, financial support to the Lions Club, and student scholarships to kids going off to colleges. Each year they propagate plants to sell in the “plant booth” on the Pinedorado grounds, and plan an overnight trip (on a bus) to tour gardens in California. A little time for “shopping” is thrown in. The public is invited on this trip and it’s loads of fun.

This year, The Cambria Garden Club CGC created, designed, and constructed a float for the annual “Pinedorado Parade”; the theme being “Our Kind of Town”. Pinedorado, held on all three days of Labor Day weekend, is a big “happening” in the town of Cambria.

Nearly every organization participates. The public come from miles around to eat grilled steak and chicken, play carnival games, and let their children ride in little metal cars and a train like the ones had in the 40’s. Locals all turn out with our chairs and dogs to socialize and watch as the high school bands march and hand-made displays “float” by. This year there were over 40 entrants in the parade and the women of The Cambria Garden Club took home the “Sweepstakes”. This is real small-town, funky, old-fashioned fun. It happens every year on Labor Day Weekend.