Thinking of Getting Chickens?

There has been a movement in recent years to raise a few chickens in the backyards of both city and suburban dwellers. Producing your own eggs from a few hens, neatly tucked into your garden is a trend that I don’t think will go away. Why? It is fun and hens provide you with tasty fresh eggs that are downright addictive!

If you have been thinking about taking on this project, you might want to consider the following:

  • Will they be a disturbance to neighbors?
  • Is it legal in your community for you to have a small backyard flock?
  • Will you have the time to keep their coop clean and tend them properly?
  • Do you have the resources to build a sturdy and safe coop to protect hens from predators and dogs?
  • Do you have the space required?
  • How many hens will you be able to safely house?

A little research is in order before you go out and buy chicks.

We raised chicks from day-olds to hens this past year. They have provided us with hours of entertainment, fresh eggs each day, and fertilizer for our garden. It has been rewarding and fun.

For whatever reasons you have thought about getting chickens for your backyard project, start now in preparation. The chicks will be arriving at the feed stores soon and they are irresistible! Be prepared.

More information on raising chickens and watching hens live on Backyard Hencam!

About the author

Gardener and chicken lover living along the Central Coast.