Tulip is soooooo much better. We’ve put her back with her flock for a few hours each day. Today she laid her first egg since her injuries last week.
The first day that we put her in with the other hens, I waited to see if they began pecking her back. It still has a bare spot but there is no blood present. I didn’t see them peck her at all. She rushed over to a private spot that the cameras don’t show, layed down and took her first dust bath in four days. I’m sure she felt like we all do when we’ve been deprived of a shower for a few days. She spent an hour fluffing her feathers and rolling about in the dirt. After a while, Poppy joined her. Poppy just sat near her, glad to have her back.
I’m not sure who started the pecking but my suspicion was that it was Petunia. Petunia has always been a bit of a pecker. I’ve made a rather tough decision in the last week. I’ve have been looking for a better home for Petunia. One with a larger run; perhaps a “free range” situation. A rooster would be good. Roosters seem to know how to handle ill-tempered hens. I believe that I have found a good home for Petunia and will post about it when I deliver her there.
So sweet, the two friends sitting together as Tulip takes her dust bath. Our five girls will sometimes bathe together in one big clump. Looks a bit silly!