Sansevieria in brown and white pot.

Succulents and Gynelle Leon’s book called “Prick”

“Succulent” refers to plants that have a unique ability to store moisture in fleshy stems, leaves, or roots. They are not a family in themselves but are represented in many plant families. Like cacti and succulents, many plants found in dry regions of the world have adapted to dry climates by storing moisture in their tissues. Just so you know, cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti.
I picked up a little book in the Cambria Library that has helped me learn to be more successful with growing succulents and creating little “potted wonders”. The book, named “Prick” (don’t you love it), authored by Gynelle Leon is described by Amazon Books as: “A modern guide to the fashionable world of prickly, spiny houseplants”.

Resolutions to make gardening easier

With a little thought and planning and a few resolutions, you can make gardening easier and more enjoyable. Resolutions are sometimes needed to achieve this goal.
Things like buying and planting plants that need less deadheading is one resolutions. Planting more native plants is another.
Seeds of edible plants will be planted on a “staggered schedule” so that less will be wasted is also on my list.
I’ll look for ways like reducing the use of insectcides and fertilizer to make more pleasurable time in the garden.