A Break from Chickens and Gardening

The calm after a storm.

I know, I know. Chickens and gardening are my thing. But I need to take a break once in a while! We’ve had a series of storms blast though our little hamlet on the central coast of California. Fifty-seven homes were damaged by falling Monterey Pines. We were lucky. The 150 foot “beasts” surrounding our house, fell away from our structures. It will cost us thousands in clean-up costs but our home and chickens are out of danger.

We took a nice walk along the coast yesterday. A reprieve from worrying about falling trees. I took these pictures. You’d never guess that a day after a coastal storm ripped through, the water could be at such peace.

About the author

Gardener and chicken lover living along the Central Coast.


  1. We used to live near Scotts Valley up in the mountains so I know what those coastal storms are like and I remember how everyone would say that Monterey Pines were the worst trees to have because they would fall over even without a good reason. Glad you got to take a break and enjoy the beach. I used to love to pick up “treasures” on the beach after a storm; sometimes, I would even find little pieces of jade.

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