Bracing for a Coastal Storm

We’re getting ready for a series of storms that are supposedly heading our way. I say supposedly because the forecaster often predicts rain, and many times, only a few drops will appear. Remember, this is California, the land of sunshine. We need rain badly but I dread storms. Our property is surrounded by old pines. Some of them have died and will certainly come down if the conditions are right.


Living along the coast, a storm means “high winds and surf”. Wind usually means that more than a few 200 foot Monterey pines will topple, damaging homes and leaving us without power. Last winter one of the dead pines on adjacent open space fell on our “far corner ” fence. My husband spent days repairing it the best we could. Storms mean we can go without power for up to a week. If I don’t post for a few days, you’ll know why.

Right now, I’m consumed with writing about chickens. I’m posting a series of articles on caring for chicks. Last spring we bought 6 chickens of various breeds. They are now fine layers and great pets. The fertilizer has made my soil rich and full of worms. I hope some of you, who are holding back, will get inspired and think about a “backyard chicken project”. Chickens are entertaining and their eggs are unbelievably delicious.

About the author

Gardener and chicken lover living along the Central Coast.