California Drought-Little Is Better Than Nothing

We got a half inch of rain yesterday and during the night, and I’m thrilled. I hear the chuckles rising across the U.S. as some of you sit in five feet of snow, while I get giddy over a half an inch of rain. I’m sorry that you suffer. I really am. I’ve always lived near the coast of California where severe weather is perhaps a rainy windstorm that takes out power for a few days, and I am spoiled. Our problems here are lack of water, not too much. We’ve had some pretty dry years, and water is a real concern.

I’m watching this misty rain (we call it “Seattle rain” because my husband, who was raised in Seattle, says that is how it rains there) and am hopeful we will not have a fifth year of drought. We are told the El Nino ocean conditions should jolt us out of our dry condition so that we gardeners can enjoy life again and the farmers in California can continue providing the nation with the finest fruits, vegetables and nuts possible.

So here’s hoping this rain continues and pushes our season total to date over 10 inches. It’s a good start!

About the author

Gardener and chicken lover living along the Central Coast.