We’ve had rain in California and I’ve been busy. But not in the garden!
I’ve cleaned out every drawer and closet in the house “Marie Kondo style”. If you aren’t familiar with the petite Japanese T.V. star, living in Los Angeles, you must check out her popular series while the weather is too wet to be in the garden. Called “Tidying Up”, the book of the same name and the t.v. program both teach a system of tidying (aka “cleaning and thinning out accumulated items”) by going through each drawer and closet and removing things that no longer delight you, or as Marie says, “bring you joy”. It’s taken me several weeks but my home is tidier and more organized.
I’ve been busy indoors and haven’t lifted a trowel during the month of January. We’ve received 13 inches of rain since the first of the year, and for the California Central Coast, this is pretty spectacular!
Except for planting one “low chill” apple tree called ‘Beverly Hills’ variety, we’ve not been able to do much gardening. The soil is wet and soggy and, as most of you know, gardeners are always advised to stay off of wet soil to avoid packing it down. So I’m staying off of it and mostly indoors until it drains a bit.
Until then I’ll be “tidying up” with Marie Kondo as my mentor. Looks like a garage sale will be in order this spring. There were quite a few items we’d been storing that have no longer “give me joy”.